Daily Archives: May 25, 2015

Invaluable tool for my knitting

Increase, Decrease: 99 Step-by-Step Methods; Find the Perfect Technique for Shaping Every Knitting Project

By: Judith Durant

Rating: 5 of 5

increasedecreaseThis book is a valuable tool for any knitter. I am much more experienced as a crocheter than as a knitter. I got interested in knitting a few years ago while there was a boom of knitting shows on public television.

I have a lot of fun with the process but really don’t have anyone I can turn to to ask questions. Most of the yarn stores in my area have closed and there are only the generic large craft stores available. The employees there, while very nice, don’t seem to have the advanced skills necessary to give me answers to the issues that I have encountered in knitting. I’ve tried taking some of the classes that they offer but they are extremely basic and still don’t serve my purposes.


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