Daily Archives: September 25, 2015

Stunning and outstanding story about horrifying events

Pretty Girls: A Novel

By: Karin Slaughter

Rating: 5 of 5

51rW1lXPVuL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_This was a terrific but really horrifying book to read. I have not read any of Karin Slaughter’s previous books (which is something that I will remedy soon), so I didn’t know what to expect. A thriller, yes, but a book that kept me glued to the page and left me with visuals in my head was not what I thought of with such a sweet and innocuous title.

The story is about three sisters and their father. One of the girls, Julia, goes missing years ago at age 19 and we read about the ensuing years in a journal that the father kept in the form of letters to her. The story about the remaining two sisters is in the present day, though we do hear their remembrances and thoughts about the past, too. The sisters are separated by something that occurred later but which has kept them apart for many years. When another young woman goes missing, the two of them are brought back together again and together they discover their true past and present.


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31 Beautiful fashions inspired by the Art Deco period

Creative Haven Art Deco Fashions Coloring Book (Adult Coloring)

By: Ming-Ju Sun

Rating: 5 of 5

This book has great coloring opportunities of Art Deco inspired fashions of the 1920’s, 1930’s and even the early 1940’s. The clothing designs have had a lot of detail added that were not probably part of the clothing of the period but which make it even more fun to color. The designs are by artist Ming-Ju Sun who has a number of coloring books on various fashions in the Dover family of product. Some of the designs are have intricate parts but I don’t think I will have to use my magnifying lamp for this book. I’ve included pictures of both fully colored samples that are printed in the coloring book.


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