Daily Archives: June 2, 2016

The Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy Coloring Book

The Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy Coloring Book

By: J. R. R. Tolkien

Rating: 4 of 5


Rather than discuss how this coloring book is like or different from movies (or the books), I will discuss only how I feel about it as an adult coloring book. I will note that this coloring book is based on the movie trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. The characters look like those actors or characters rather than any illustrations in this books.

The designs in this book have two distinct styles. This makes sense as the credits for them are both to an individual (Nicolette Caven) as well as a company. They are different but mesh fairly well together. The designs with the wording are generally fairly simple to color while the more elaborate two-page spreads are quite involved, detailed and have intricate and small spots to color.


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45 Dr. Who Designs – this time he Travels in Time – UK version

Doctor Who: Travels in Time Colouring Book


Rating: 5 of 5


Once again, rather than discuss how this coloring book is like or different from TV series or to compare any of the Dr. Who actors and casts, I will discuss only how I feel about it as an adult coloring book.

As with the first Dr. Who coloring book (or in this case, colouring book), I really like the illustrations. I actually like these designs even a little better than the first ones as their scenes are a little more interesting and fun to color. The designs are by the same team of illustrators who were responsible for the first book, namely: James Newman Gray, Lee Teng Chew, and Jan Smith. There are 45 designs (even more if you count the title and preface pages.)


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