Fun Adventure Story with an unlikely hero

The Goblin’s Puzzle: Being the Adventures of a Boy with No Name and Two Girls Called Alice

By: Andrew ChiltonR

Rating: 4.5 of 5

51ZyY5hNdIL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_This is a fun tale about a slave boy who finds out that he is much more than what Fate has decreed for his life. The boy, who is nameless throughout much of the book, is sent on a trip with his master’s son – not really much more than as a pack mule. As it happens, it turns out to be a momentous trip and one that sets the boy on a quest to find out his true identity.

Along the way, he runs into a dragon, a Princess, an ogre, a Plain Alice (who is not really plain and who is quite brilliant), a sage, an evil conjurer and much more.

There is a lot of fun to be had and is a story that will appeal to both boys and girls of all ages. I really enjoyed the story and plan to read it to my grandchildren – who will no doubt have fun with it, too.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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