A little too predictable for my taste

Dark Road Home

By: Anna Carlisle

Rating: 3 of 5

514-oAaDUgL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_I generally really like this type of suspenseful mystery. A young woman returns home years ago a traumatic event that changes not only her life but those she leaves behind. Once home again, events unfold to bring closure to the sad events of yesteryear. The problem with this novel, is that it was just a little too predictable. I was able to guess the whodunnit within the first 25% of the book. I also predicted most of what was going to happen from that point on. I will admit there were a few twists and turns that escaped me but nothing that changed the outcome of the book.

Another issue I had with the story was that I could not get close to any of the characters. They all seemed to arrive, say their piece and then depart. The police chief, Lawrence, was the one that I liked best and while he had a big role in the book, he was not one of the major characters. Gin (Virginia) Sullivan was probably supposed to be the most sympathetic; however, she had issues with lying to those who were close to her as well as holding grudges (especially against her late sister who was much more charismatic than Gin) and because of those two character flaws, getting comfortable with her just wasn’t possible for me.

Otherwise, the story was well-written and easy to read. Perhaps I can guess outcomes of this type of story because I have read so many of them. Others may not find it as easy to figure out as I did. I think it is a decent suspense mystery that doesn’t leave you hanging or lead you down unfinished trails.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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