Lovely set of sweet motifs by Susan Bates

Cross Stitch Mini Motifs: Hearts, Birds, Flowers: More Than 60 Mini Motifs

By: Susan Bates

Rating: 5 of 5

heartsbirdflowersbatesSusan Bates has been a favorite designer of mine for years. She currently has a number of design books out which concentrate on motifs. I like getting motif designs because it lets me decide how to put the items together and for what purpose. I bought her current books from a local needlework store and have been having a lot of fun with them. This booklet is of hearts, birds, and flowers motifs (there are even hearts made up of flowers). All of the designs have the quality that tells you it is by Susan Bates – very sweet and whimsical in style. This is a book for anyone from a beginner to advanced and I recommend it.

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