Charts Only with no written instructions but with lots of cable examples

Cable Left, Cable Right: 94 Knitted Cables

By: Judith Durant

Rating: 3 of 5

cableleft“Cable Left Cable Right” by Judith Durant is the latest in a series of books by Storey Publishing. One of the previous books, “Increase Decrease” is by the same author.

The book contains a great number of variations of cables and would have been a perfect resource for me but for the fact that it contains only charts – there are no written instructions. I can follow charts easily for cross stitch and needlepoint but I find that for knitting and crochet, I prefer written instructions along with charts. I follow the written instructions and then use the charts for the tricky bits.

I could sit and write down the instructions on each page but rather than do that, I will look for another book that works better for my needs. If you prefer charts, this could be a great resource book for you but for me, it is a little too time consuming.

I was provided a temporary digital advance reader copy of this book by the publisher, Storey Publishing, LLC, via Netgalley.

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