30 Lovely Inkling Ladies in a small

Mini-INKLINGS colouring book by Tanya Bond: Coloring book for adults, teens and children, featuring 30 single sided fantasy art illustrations by Tanya … and other charming creatures. (Volume 3)

By: Tanya Bond

Rating: 5 of 5

I really enjoy Tanya Bond’s coloring book series, Inklings, so when I found out that she had released a mini format book, I immediately purchased it. I was very happy to see many new designs and a few that are familiar. The ones that are similar to her other books have been re-done to fit the new format and feel like a new coloring experience as well. The lines are nice and dark and well-connected unlike other books where the lines fade away because the images were reduced too far. These designs feel as if they were drawn for this size format.

The coloring book is approximately 9 x 6 inches and it fits perfectly in my handbag to carry around with me. The designs are detailed but not at all intricate which, again, makes them a perfect project for on-the-go. Each of the designs are titled at the bottom of the page, along with a copyright. I like the title but wish the copyright had been less intrusive.

The designs feature the ethereal maidens with large expressive eyes that I have found in all of Ms. Bond’s designs. I love all of the girls with their fun hats in this book. They remind me of my younger daughter who loves to crochet/knit wild hats for herself.

This is what I experienced while coloring in this book and testing the paper with my coloring medium:

30 Designs of Large, Expressive Eyed Girls in 9 x 6 inch format book

2 Pages set aside for Color Tests

Printed on one side of the page

Paper is thin, white, slightly rough and non-perforated. It is typical of anything published through CreateSpace.

Glue Bound

Designs do not merge into the binding area

Book can be opened flat with a little effort for coloring

Alcohol-based markers bleed through this paper readily

Water-based markers bleed through in spots

Gel pens and India Ink artist pens create colorful shadows on the back of the page. India ink pens can spot through if multiple layers are applied.

Colored pencils work well with this paper. I can use either wax or oil based pencils and get good pigment (with multiple layers of the same color), layer multiple colors well and blend well using a pencils style blender stick. My hard lead pencils, such as Verithins, can cause dents through to the back of the page.

I use a piece of card stock or a couple of pieces of heavy weight paper as a blotter when coloring in this book. It keeps ink from seeping through or dents from marring the pages below my project page.

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