30 Fun Fantasy Animal Designs printed on one side of the page

Animals Stories

By: Jhih Ling Whang

Rating: 5 of 5

I am really enjoying coloring books released by the Dream State Studio. Animal Stories is the most recent release and is illustrated by Jhih Ling Whang (also known as Aoi.) The designs are of adorable animals in fun and fantasy situations. I chose to do a space bear for my first project. I love that he is floating outside the space rocket looking in rather than out. The designs are detailed, as I expect from this company’s books.

I have noticed that the last two books released by this company been released in a standard coloring book size, which is larger than the earlier books. I have found it much easier to color in this size book as the very detailed parts of the design are big enough to color with regular coloring medium.

There is a visual thumbnail table of contents at the beginning of the book to assist you in finding which design to color next. The designs are printed on the right on side of the page and on the opposite side, there is a short explanation of the design. It helps give me context to what I am coloring.

There are many cute animals in this coloring book, including: mice, cat, bear, snake, bats, lion, walrus, elephant, fish, rabbit and much more.

This is what I discovered in coloring in this book and by testing my coloring medium on this paper. In the comments section below, I will list the coloring medium I used for testing this book and which I usually use for coloring most of my projects.

30 Cute and Fun Fantasy Animals designs

Printed on one side of the page

Paper is typical of CreateSpace publications. It is thin, white, slightly rough and non-perforated.

Glue Bound

Some designs merge into the binding area. You may lose some portion of the design if you remove it from the book. I prefer to leave them in so the explanation of the design stays together with it.

Alcohol and water-based markers bleed through this paper. Water-based come through in spots while alcohol based flow through rapidly.

Gel pens and India ink pens leave shadows of color on the back of the page. India ink pens can spot through on the paper if used in multiple coats.

Colored pencils work well with both oil and wax based providing good color. I can layer the same and multiple colors and blend well using a pencil style blending stick. Hard lead pencils can dent through on this paper to the page below.

I use and suggest the use of a blotter page below your working page. I use card stock or a couple of pages of heavyweight paper. This helps keep any ink or dents from marring the designs below.

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