32 Autumn and Harvest related and easy to color Designs printed one side of the page

Home Harvest

By: Patrick Sullivan

Rating: 4 of 5

I love autumn with all of its beautiful colors. I lived most of my life in Southern California and autumn there is just an extension of summer. There are no changing colors, so I have always looked to my crafting and art to bring those tones into my life.

Home Harvest is a nice addition to my coloring books and I am always on the look out for autumn related coloring books (as they are simply few and far between.) This is also my first coloring book by Patrick Sullivan.

The 32 designs (not including title pages) are very much on the simplistic side. I was hoping for more detail but was happy with the book on the whole. The lines are clear, crisp, and broad without any form of intricate coloring. Because of the simplicity of the designs, the projects can be done fairly quickly. You can also spend a lot of time with shading and blending with these designs if you choose to do so.

I’ve finished two designs so far using Prismacolor Premier Soft Core: one with traditional fall colors and the second, as an homage to my years in LA, in the colors that Southern Californians are more likely to associate with the fall months.

As an aside, I have purchased other coloring books by this publisher in the past and all of those were printed double-sided. I’m really happy to see that this book has been printed only on one side of the page. I hope that means that future books from this publisher will follow this format.

This is what I experienced while coloring in this book and testing the paper with my coloring medium. I will list, in the comments section below, the coloring medium I used for testing this book and which I generally use for coloring my projects.

32 Autumn and Harvest related designs

Printed on one side of the page

Paper is heavyweight, white, somewhat smooth, and perforated

Glue Binding

Some designs cross over the perforations but nothing essential is lost if you remove pages from the book

Book can lay fairly flat if you break the spine by creasing it hard

Alcohol based markers bleed through this paper readily

Water-based markers can bleed through in very tiny spots if multiple coats are used

Gel pens and India ink pens do not bleed through the page

Colored pencils worked well with this paper. I tested both wax and oil based pencils. I found that I could get good color, layer the same color and multiple colors, and finally, I could blend easily using a pencil style blending stick. Hard lead pencils did not dent through to the back of the page.

If I use markers of any type with this book, I will either remove the page from the book or put a blotter page under the page I am working on. I generally use card stock but have used several sheets of heavy weight paper as well.

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