28 Mandalas inspired by nature with hidden objects as well printed one side of page

Creative Haven Wondrous Nature Mandalas: A Coloring Book with a Hidden Picture Twist (Adult Coloring)

By: Jo Taylor

Rating: 4 of 5

This is a coloring book of circular format mandalas with a hidden picture twist. I generally don’t care for hidden objects as they have little to do with the design. I found that to be true in this case as there were little teacups, acorns, keys, etc. hidden throughout the designs. I colored over them if they were part of another object or colored them if they were stand-alone. Others may find it fun to look for and highlight the hidden objects as they color.

The designs are based on plants and animals rather than the usual patterns I find in mandalas. The designs are a mix of detailed designs and others that are fairly open and easy to color. I chose to do a design based on leaves for my first project. With autumn upon us, I went with colors I associate with the season. I’ll post a photo of my first project as well as samples from the book.

The book includes a key at the front of the book that shows you the hidden images and the designs on which they are hidden. At the back of the book, there are several pages of solutions which show you were the hidden objects are on the design.

This is what I found while coloring in this book and using my coloring medium to test the paper. I will list, in the comments section below, the coloring medium I use for testing and for coloring.

28 Nature inspired Designs with hidden images to find

Printed one side of the page

Paper is typical of Creative Haven: white, medium weight, slightly smooth and has perforated pages.

Glue Binding but you can easily remove pages one by one at the perforations

The designs stop well before the perforations

Alcohol-based markers bleed through this paper

Water-based markers bleed through in spots and leave colorful shadows on the back of the page

Gel pens and India ink pens leave shadows of color on the back of the page. India ink pens can bleed through if you apply heavily or with with multiple layers.

Coloring pencils work well with this paper. I was able to use both wax and oil based pencils equally well. They lay down good color, layer the same color and multiple colors and blend easily using a blending stick. Hard lead pencils leave dents on the back of the page.

I either use a blotter page under my working page or I remove pages from the book to color. I like card stock for my blotter page but a couple of sheets of heavyweight paper works as well.

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