To boldly go where no cat has gone before

Star Trek Cats

By: Jenny Parks

Rating: 5 of 5

startrekcatsThis is the perfect small size book for anyone who is a cat lover and a fan of Star Trek. The author/artist has presented a series of vignettes from the original series with cats representing the crew.

I especially appreciate the breeds of cats she has chosen for this book. From the ginger-colored American short hair (Kirk) to the Scottish fold (Scottie) to the lovely Russian blue (Chekov), each cat wonderfully matches the looks and personalities of the crew members.

The book is a hardback in a smaller size (6.75 x 6.75 inches) and is a fairly slim volume. Each scene is from an episode with quotes on the page. It is surprising how fantastic the concept of cats as crew works. At the end of the book, there is a listing (by book page number) of the episode name, season and episode number.

The book is a fun purchase and would make an excellent gift. I could only wish it was longer with even more scenes represented – or maybe there could be a second volume. I would love to see other TV series parodied in this way as well.

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