Informative and beautifully illustrated intro book about Abraham Lincoln

My Little Golden Book About Abraham Lincoln

By: Author: Bonnie Bader/llustrator: Viviana Garofoli

Rating: 5 of 5

I was happy to find that Little Golden Book had introductory books about both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I picked these up for my grandchildren to read when they are at my house. While the books are by different authors, they have the same illustrator and a similar feel to how the stories are told.

My grandson, at 4 years old, is able to follow along with the story about President Lincoln. His sister, who is two years old, enjoys the illustrations and a shorter, verbal story.

The book starts with Abraham Lincoln as a boy, his family life and how he improved his lot in life with self-education and hard, honest work. The story continues through his election, fight against slavery and the Civil War. It ends as the war ends and does not mention the manner of his death (which might be distressing for the age group this is aimed at.)

There are also some interesting facts about President Lincoln listed in the back of the book. I find it a great introductory book about one of the greatest Presidents of the United States and appreciate the delicacy used in presenting both the war and Mr. Lincoln’s death.

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