35 Manly oriented designs in the newly revised version of this coloring book – printed one side of the page

Men’s Coloring Book: A Manly Mans Adult Coloring Book: Cyborg Women, Futuristic Battles, Women And Motorcycles

By: Nathaniel Wake

Rating: 5 of 5

This is a revised version of the Nathaniel Wake Men’s coloring book. From what I understand, the original version of this coloring book may have included illustrations which, unknowing to the publishers of Nathaniel Wake) were copyright infringing.

This is a fun book that focuses on things enjoyed by men (“but I like it, too!” – which is a terrible reference to an old bar soap commercial.) The great outdoors is a theme in this book as are the wild west and sexy ladies popping up from time to time. The designs are detailed and many contain small and intricate areas to color. It is a book that both men and women can equally enjoy depending on their tastes.

A word about companies like Nathaniel Wake. This is a publishing company and not an artist. They contract artists from outside sources but present it under an umbrella name that infers a single artist. As such, the real artist or artists of any book with content and style may differ wildly from any others under the same Nathaniel Wake name.

This is what I found in this coloring book:

35 new Men’s themed designs are included with some fun samples from other books

Printed one side of the page

Paper is typical inexpensive quality by CreateSpace printing: white front with black back, thin, slightly rough and non-perforated. With the newly revised books, the publishers have chosen to use black on the back of the page “to prevent bleed-though”. It does not prevent it but it does mask it – see more about this under tested media below.

The designs do not merge into the binding. None of the designs have frame so all edges are left open with unfinished elements

Glue Binding

CreateSpace Print Paper with tested Media.

Alcohol-based markers bleed through the page quickly to blotter page though not noticeable on the back backing.

Water-based markers bleed through in spots to the blotter page.

Gel pens and India ink pens leave shadows shadows cannot be seen on the back of the page as it is black. India ink can bleed through to the blotter page if you apply heavily or multiple coats.

As I mentioned earlier, the black on the page merely masks the bleed through. If you do not use a blotter with media that bleeds through, you run the risk of ruining the design pages below. I use a page of card stock or several sheets of heavyweight paper under my working page. It keeps seeping ink and marring dents from ruining the pages below. Also, remember to change the card stock from design to design so you don’t accidentally start pulling up an old color through the page of the new design.

Coloring Pencils work fairly well with this publisher’s paper provided you don’t press extremely hard while coloring. I find that I can layers the same color for deeper pigment or multiple colors and I could blend easily using a blending stick. This is true of both oil and wax based pencils. I have also found that hard lead pencils leave dents through the paper.

Here are some sample photos from the book:

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