Fun and funny cozy mystery

Pillow Stalk (A Madison Night Mystery Book 1)

By: Diane Vallere

Rating: 5 of 5

pillowstalkI lived in a mid-century modern home for almost thirty years, so I could relate to the premise of this book. Also, while I am a fan of Doris Day, my youngest daughter was a “true” fan and would watch the videos over and over again. Which was okay with me, since I like those fun romantic comedies of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

“Pillow Stalk” is the first the the A Mad for Mod Mystery series and is the first book I have read by Diane Vallere. I love a good cozy mystery and that is exactly what I got in this book. The characters were well developed and the relationships between them made sense. I didn’t figure out the whodunnit until I was about 2/3’s of the way through the book – which is a pretty good pace for me. I admit cringing a few times as each of Madison’s vintage outfits bit the dust but apart from that, I enjoyed reading the book and got a few outright laughs as well.

I could relate to Madison on a number of areas: age, style of home, love of vintage, living in Northern Texas, and even, a bummed up knee that won’t heal. She was a sleuth that I could understand and how she reacted (for the most part) would have been similar to the way I would react in a like circumstance.

I will be reading the next two in the series shortly and hope that each one is at least as good as this one – which is definitely a keeper for me. I look forward to finding out what happens with the cliffhanger this book was left with.

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