Crazy fun casino caper mystery

Double Mint (A Davis Way Crime Caper) (Volume 4)

By: Gretchen Archer

Rating: 5 of 5

doublemint“Double Mint” by Gretchen Archer is a mile-a-minute funny whodunnit mystery. While I had no problems picking up the action in this fourth in the series book (and my first read by this author), I highly suggest reading the books in order. I will be reading and laughing my way through the three prior books shortly.

Davis Way Cole is the top seniority casino security personnel at the Bellissimo Resort and Casino. She is also married to the casino manager but due to her job, no one (well, almost no one) can know who she is or see her in the casino managers suite of rooms. The suite of rooms she wishes she didn’t have to live in because it is an over-the-top representation of a New Orleans Mardi Gras nightmare.

The hotel’s convention coordinator has walked off the job (following an unusual scuffle over a rather unusual wedding cake) and David (as she is known to Bianca Sanders, the wife of the casino owner) has to fill in that job as well as her own. She also gets the joy of standing in for Bianca for all things. I love that Bianca has Davis see to her (Bianca’s) health by having check-ups for her.

The story is hysterical with all sorts of crazy characters and happenings that mostly revolve around the casino manager suite. The plot is funny but makes sense and so does solution to the puzzle. I must admit that I did not see the ending coming but it makes total sense.

So many of the characters are from small town USA and have wild back stories, so I really can hardly wait to read the older books. Without having read them, I can still appreciate their good-hearted or mean-spirited craziness (depending on the individual.) I really can’t discuss much about them without giving away important parts of the book but I will say that the cat steals a good portion of the show in this story.

I received a digital ARC copy of this book from the publisher, Henery Press, via Netgalley.

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