24 Beautifully Hand-drawn Fantasy/Steampunk inspired designs printed one side of the page

Colouring Fantasy 2 – Colouring Book by Scot Howden (Volume 2)

By: Scot Howden

Rating: 5 of 5

Colouring Fantasy 2 is my second coloring book by Scot Howden. I so enjoyed his first coloring book that purchasing the second one in the series was a given for me. The designs are detailed and some are intricate with small areas to color. His designs have an ethereal quality to them that is really wonderful to color. In his first book, the line art was very light. In this book, the line art is darker and is much easier to work with. The designs in this book are a range of women in fantasy, as fairies, and as steampunk-inspired characters.

I’m really pleased to have a new coloring book by Scot Howden and hope to see more in the future. The women he draws have a delicate and feminine look that I really appreciate.
This is what I experienced while coloring in this book and testing my various coloring mediums on the paper:
24 Fantasy designs plus Title and Dedication page
1 page of thumbnail images with design titles (at the back of the book)
Printed on one side of the page
Paper is thin, white, slightly rough, and non-perforated typical CreateSpace publishing paper
Glue Bound
Designs do not merge into the binding with enough room to cut out pages if you choose to do so.
Book easily opens fairly flat for coloring
Alcohol-based markers rapidly bleed through the paper.
Water-based markers bleed through in spots.
Gel pens and India ink pens leave colorful shadows on the back of the page. India ink can leak through if you use multiple coats or apply heavily.
Colored pencils work well with the paper. It has good tooth being slightly rough. I can use both oil and wax based pencils with it and get good results in coloring, layering with the same or multiple colors and blending with a pencil style blending stick. Hard lead pencils dent through to the back of the page.
I use heavyweight paper or card stock as a blotter page under the page I am working on. It keeps seeping ink and dents from marring the pages below.

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