40 Animal Head designs printed one side of the page

Animals as Humans – Adult Coloring Book: Animal Portraits – Inspiration and Relaxation

By: Okami Books

Rating: 4 of 5

Based on the title of this coloring book, I had hoped to see animals in human clothing doing things that humans would do. What the book actually contains are 40 designs of animal heads with collars which are based on human clothing. The animals have the structure of the real animal but are filled with intricate doodles designs. While the animals are detailed, the clothing is not and in some cases are merely a few lines to suggest the top.

As the designs are extremely intricate because of the doodles, I don’t suggest this as a coloring book for anyone who has vision or fine motor issues. For those who like to use a lot of different colors, this presents a nice set of designs which have a lot of detail for that purpose.
This is what I experienced while coloring in this book and testing my coloring medium on the paper:
40 Animals Head designs with human clothing collars
Printed one side of the page
Paper is typical of CreateSpace: white, thin, slightly rough and non-perforated.
Designs do not merge into the binding and there is plenty of room to cut out pages if you choose to do so. The designs have a framing line at the outer edge
Glue Binding
Alcohol-based markers bleed through the page quickly.
Water-based markers bleed through in spots.
Gel pens and India ink pens leave shadows on back of the page. India ink can bleed through if you apply heavily or multiple coats.
Coloring Pencils work well with this paper. I found that I could layers the same color for deeper pigment or multiple colors and I could blend easily using a blending stick. I tested both oil and wax based pencils. I also found that hard lead pencils leave dents through the paper.
I like to use a blotter when working in the book. I use a page of card stock or several sheets of heavyweight paper under my working page. It keeps seeping ink and marring dents from ruining the pages below.

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