Not as compelling a read as the first in this series

Protocol Zero (A Joe Rush Novel)

By: James Abel

Rating: 3 of 5

protocolzero“Protocol Zero” was a bit of a let-down following James Abel’s debut thriller, “White Plague”. These are the first two books of a series involving Joe Rush, a Marine Colonel who is also a medical doctor and a bio-terrorist expert.

While the author gives the reader a lot of information about a lot of various things in this book, what it lacks is a moment in which I am, as the reader, so caught up in the action that I can’t put the book down. “White Plague” was a book that I wanted to read in one sitting. I read this book over the space of a week and the last 50 pages or so over three days by themselves.

The subject was interesting but it was hard for me to sustain my interest in the characters and the plot. I found it difficult to care for any of the characters, apart from one who didn’t make it through the book. I can understand some flaunting of rules but it seemed like Joe made promises and was given orders and constantly broke those promises and defied his orders. By the end of the book, it was a little like being in backwards world, where yes means no.

As far as plot, the author gave the ending away early on (except for a weird little epilog that I didn’t think added to the story.) That was the main reason finishing the book was a chore.

I really think that some of the problems with this book stem from a rush to being published. The first, great book was published in January 2015 and “Protocol Zero” is now published as of August 2015. If the author, editor, and publishing company had spent a few more months tightening the storyline, the book could have been much better. The basis for a good story was there, it just came across unfinished and unrefined. I still liked the author’s ability to provide interesting information and history in the midst of a thriller and will look for the next book in this series. I hope that the author takes more time and care with that one and that “Protocol Zero” is merely evidence of a slight sophomore slump than anything else.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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