Unusual and eloquent mystery

The Drowned Boy (Inspector Sejer Mysteries)

By: Karin Fossum

Rating: 5 of 5

thedrownedboy“The Drowned Boy” is the first Inspector Sejer Mystery that I have read. I often read books translated into English and generally give them some lee-way for things such was awkward phrasing or references that make less sense. In this case, the translation was so well done, that it read very smoothly.

What was different is the type of detective who is in charge and how the investigation is conducted. Inspector Sejer is an introspective man who wants to do the right thing. He is also very concerned about some health issues he is facing, and assuming the worst (as most of us do), he is reluctant to seek medical advice. He is a thoughtful and reflective man who follows rules and seems to care about his victims and those who are left behind. He also seems to have accepted that sometimes people who do bad things can get away with it but continues to try to bring those he can to justice.

In this story, a toddler with Down’s Syndrome, Tommy, is found drowned in a pond near his home. His parents are quite young and suspicion focuses on one of them almost immediately. The story focuses on how the various individuals involved act and react over the months until the case is up for judgment rather than an intense investigation that solves the “whodunnit”. It is more of a book about how life goes on after such a death than a murder mystery.

There is also a discussion throughout the book by various characters as to whether or not there is a God and how some choose to believe or others not to believe in a deity. I found it unusual and interesting that the author would include a theological discussion in the middle of a book about a child’s death and possible murder. I also appreciated that the author did not step into the discussion with one way being right and the other not – she merely set the discussion in motion and allowed both sides to speak.

I enjoyed the book and will certainly seek out more the books written by Karin Fossum.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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