Not really suspenseful and easily solved mystery

The Look-Alike: A Novel

By: Erica Spindler

Rating: 3 of 5

This is the story of Sienna Scott. Ten years before, she found a murder victim. Because of the stress involved with having seen the crime, she left home and headed for England and stayed there for ten years.

She decides to head home again to pick up the pieces of her old life. She has conveniently forgotten the pain of living with her mother, who has mental illness and causes much distress for her daughter.

There are three big reveals in this book, the whodunnit and two others. I solved all three within a page or two of meeting the pertinent characters. I don’t think it was too difficult to do so.

However, Sienna doesn’t seem to see the troubles lying ahead. Also, she falls into a physical relationship with someone she really doesn’t know and then, as quickly, falls in love with him.

I don’t like that in books. It is not real-life and it doesn’t have to be portrayed as such.

The writing was well done, but the plot and the characters did not catch my fancy as much as they might have. Once I solved everything, it was a little difficult to read as Sienna went from bad decision to bad decision.

I was provided a digital advance reader copy of this book by the publisher via Netgalley.

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