None of the charm of the first two books

Little Blue Truck’s Beep-Along Book

By: Alice Schertle and illustrated by: Jill McElmurry

Rating: 3 of 5

littlebluetrucksbeepalongWhile my grandson enjoys beeping the truck, all of the original charm of “The Little Blue Truck” has been lost in this book. It is the same author and the same illustrator but it was so different, I had to check to see if someone else had taken over. As I read the book to him, all I could think is that the sing-song of the story was to the tune of “If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.” While that is a favorite of my grandson’s, it is not at all what I expected from the Little Blue series of books. It also had a feeling of a quick slap-together rather a well-thought out children’s story.

As I mentioned, my grandson likes it but not in the same way he does the first two board books in the series. With those books, when he comes to visit me, he runs to my bookcase and looks for them and pulls them out to bring to me to read. He sits on my lap and waits with a gleam in his eyes for certain parts of the stories to be read. One or the other is always his choice of a book before nap or bedtime with me. They are so special, his mother and father will not get a copy for him at home. They want it to be for just the two of us.

With this book, he sat my himself and beeped the horn. I got him to sit with me for one reading and then he tossed the book aside.

I had pre-ordered this book as soon as I saw it was available. I wish I could recommend it as highly as the first two but unfortunately, I cannot. It is okay but just okay.

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