Funny debut book about the unexpected consequences of motherhood

Wake-Up Call (The Wake-Up Series) (Volume 1)

By: Amy Avanzino

Rating: 5 of 5

wakeupcallWhat a funny and enjoyable debut book by Ms. Avanzino. “Wake-Up Call” is a humorous look at the effects of motherhood and life in the suburbs.

Our heroine, Sarah Winslow wakes up one morning to a life that she doesn’t recognize. The last she remembers, she was a high powered marketing rep with an eye on climbing the corporate ladder to wealth, fame, and success. She had the lifestyle that went along with it – long days of work and longs nights of party time. She was in the top of her physical condition and was looking forward to more of the same in the future.

When she awakes after suffering a head injury, she discovers that five years have passed without her having any memory of them. She is now a stay-at-home mom who juggles cleaning with spending times with the kids and the kids usually win. The only female in a house full of male, she feels like an outcast. Her old friends have moved on and she looks down her nose a bit at the friends she seems to have made in the ensuing years. Sarah has to grapple with her old life goals and her new life reality.

It is a very funny book and one that I, as a woman who also had three kids and has the body (and memories) to show for it, can identify with. Reading how Sarah is aghast at what has happened to her made me think of how my life changed in just about the same amount of time. I, at least, had two little girls in the mix to dress up and have fun with along with the cutest ever boy. Sarah has testosterone surrounding her on all sides. The way the kids act and how the adults react had me laughing out loud as I read through the book. I really enjoyed the story and recommend it to all mothers out there who wonder “how did I get here and where is my real life?” as well as everyone else who wants to have fun reading an enjoyable book.

I received an Advanced Reader copy of this book from the publisher, Henery Press, via Netgalley.

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