Fast-paced Thriller set in Middle East turmoil

Dark Waters: A Raisa Jordan Thriller

By: Chris Goff

Rating: 5 of 5

darkwaters“Dark Waters” is a debut thriller by Chris Goff, a mystery writer with five books published under the name Christine Goff. I have not read any of her mysteries but will certainly consider doing so based on how much I enjoyed reading “Dark Waters”.

The book is set in current day Israel and has its fair share of political shenanigans. To the author’s credit, she presents all sides of the issues that face turmoil-ridden Middle East without taking a stance as to who is right or wrong.

While the political issues abound, at the heart of the story is Raisa Jordan. Raisa is a Russian born, now American citizen who works for the U.S. Diplomatic Security Service. She has recently been promoted and sent to Israel to provide her protective services through the embassy there. She has not been in country very long before her predecessor (who should have been stateside by then) is murdered almost in plain sight. The hunt is on to find out who killed him and why.

Along the way, we encounter Israel intelligence and police forces, Palestinian terrorists, as well as other US intelligence officers. In addition, there is a fairly important Federal Judge who is in Israel along with his eleven year old daughter to obtain medical treatment for her that is not available elsewhere.

The book includes two women, Raisa and Israeli Batya Ganani who are both strong-willed, well-trained, and intelligent women who are the individuals that much of the story revolves around. Both do their job, and do it well. Their jobs are not for the faint of heart but they both are committed to what they think is right.

The author weaves the story about individuals into a compelling whole cloth story that caught my attention and held it through to the no-holds barred end. The story, while concluding the chase started within the book, also leaves open questions about Raisa which signals to me that this is the beginning of a series. I will certainly be picking up the next book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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