Daily Archives: February 2, 2015

Good read but could have had better transitions



Rating: 3.5 of 5

sistersofshiloh“Sisters of Shiloh” is a very interesting book about two sisters who disguise themselves as men to fight for the Confederacy in the Civil War. The book has some fairly gruesome descriptions of battle scenes. It was more than I expected; however, it absolutely conveyed the horrific loss of life that happens during war.

Libby, the younger of the two sisters, goes slightly off-balance mentally after her husband is killed by the Yankees. She decides the way to avenge his death is to go to war in his place. When Josephine, the older sister, is unable to convince her not to go, Josephine follows her. While on the face of it, this seems far-fetched, it turns out that a good number of women actually did fight in the war disguised as men.


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