Daily Archives: March 15, 2015

Lovely book about three friends

The Year of the Three Sisters (An Anna Wang novel)

By: Andrea Cheng (Author), Patrice Barton (Illustrator)

Rating: 5 of 5

theyearofthreesisters“The Year of the Three Sisters” is the fourth book in a series about a young Chinese American girl, Anna Wang. I have not read the prior three books but after reading this one, I will be sure to go back and read the full series.

The book was surprising to me, as many books aimed at this age group are unrelentingly upbeat and happy. This book is not that. It deals with many issues, including homesickness, loss of friendship, misunderstood feelings, and even loss of a loved one. It seemed to be looking at the way a real 7th grade girl would look at things happening about her. Sometimes she understands and sometimes she just wishes she was back where she was before many of the unhappy issues started. There are also very happy and upbeat moments.


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