Daily Archives: March 16, 2015

Interesting and funny mystery set in Laos in late 1970s

Six and a Half Deadly Sins (A Dr. Siri Paiboun Mystery)

By: Colin Cotterill

Rating: 4.5 of 5

sixandahalfdeadlysins“Six and a Half Deadly Sins” is the first book in this series that I have read. I often read books in the middle of a series. In some, it is fairly easy to pick up the action and move forward and with others, it is a little more difficult. This book is one of the latter. It took me a bit to understand what was going on and it was evident that had I read the earlier books, that would not be the case. That is not a detractor for me, just something that I feel I should comment on as a reviewer. My suggestion is to read this series in order to get the most from the story. If, on the other hand, you jump in as I did, expect there to be a slight learning curve.


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