Daily Archives: April 22, 2015

Interesting book about a hereafter of thirteen year olds

Boo (Vintage Contemporaries)

By: Neil Smith

Rating: 3.5 of 5

boo“Boo” is a fairly irreverent view of the hereafter told by thirteen year old Oliver Dalrymple. Boo (as Oliver is known) is writing a diary of his time in the Town, the place he ended up in after he passed away due to his “holey” heart. The diary is written in the form of letters to his mother and father whom he misses dearly.


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Romance murder mystery set in New Orleans

The Dead Play On (Cafferty & Quinn)

By: Heather Graham

Rating: 4 of 5

thedeadplayon“The Dead Play On” is the first book I have read in the on-going series by Heather Graham. While there was a slight paranormal twist at the beginning, it didn’t seem to have much of an impact on what happened in the rest of the book. Otherwise, the book is both an on-going romance between Cafferty and Quinn and a murder mystery. The two individuals are private investigators who have been asked by the police to assist in solving a crime that has strange (paranormal) overtones. Apparently, their PI firm specializes in such cases and are known around New Orleans for their involvement in other cases (i.e., previous books in the series.)


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