24 Great Designs of Women printed on one side of the page

Fabulous Women: A Colouring Book for Adults: Lovely Ladies at Work and Leisure

By: Christine Vencato

Rating: 5 of 5

This is a coloring book which depicts women of various time periods size, shape and age. I really appreciate that the scenes are those that I might expect from everyday life. I love the title Fabulous Women and that it applies to all women who do what they do every single day.

The designs are all very nicely drawn and are easy to color. What I notice first about them is how the eyes of the subjects grab your attention and draw you into the design. It is almost like looking into the soul of the woman and seeing what she is doing from her eyes as well as from your own.

For my first project in this book, I used a variety of colored pencils that I have been considering. I purchased a couple from various brands and was pleased with how they worked. That put all of them on my to-be-purchased list over time. I find that my coloring pencils work fairly well with CreateSpace paper.

This is what I discovered in testing and coloring in this book:

24 Designs of Women in everyday events (for their time period)
Printed on one side of the page.
Paper is typical of CreateSpace. It is thin, white, slightly rough, and non-perforated.
Glue Bound
Designs do not merge into the binding area and have a framing line around the outer edge to finish all elements for ease of coloring.
Can be opened to a fairly flat position for coloring
I recommend a blotter page be used under your working page for all types of coloring medium to save the rest of the book from seeping ink or dents.
Alcohol and water-based markers seep through this paper to varying degrees.
Gel pens and India ink pens leave colorful shadows on the back of the page and can spot through if they are used heavily for deeper coverage.
Coloring pencils work well with this paper. Both oil and wax based pencils put down good color, layered well both with the same and different colors and blended easily. Hard lead pencils leave dents on the back of the page.

I received a free sample of this coloring book for test and review purposes.

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