Great book for lots of small individual designs

Cross Stitch Sampler Book: 15 Beautiful Samplers, 400 Different Motifs

By: Susan Bates

Rating: 5 of 5

crossstitchsamplerbookbatesThis is a great book of samplers of varying types. For myself, I won’t be using the designs as a sampler but instead, I will be using the individual components as motifs for many projects. There is everything from sewing motifs (which I will use frequently) to baby items to china to herbs and many many more.

While some of the motifs seem to be on their side and you may want to stitch them upright, the best thing about cross stitch is that it is based on squares. All you need to do is orient the pattern in the direction you wish to stitch and you will put something sideways into an up and down position.

I think this is a great book for beginners as each of the motifs is really a tiny design and one that can be accomplished fairly easily. As you feel more and more comfortable, you can consider doing a full sampler. This is also wonderful for the more experienced stitcher to have a ton of extra designs to be able to use to customize projects.

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