An excellent mystery with an archaeological twist

The Ghost Fields (Ruth Galloway Mysteries)

By: Elly Griffiths

Rating: 5 of 5

theghostfields“The Ghost Fields” is the seventh book of an on-going series by Elly Griffiths and is the first book I have read by this author. I often start series mid-way through and one of the tests is whether or not I can enjoy the book without the earlier books in the series. In this regard, this book ranks excellent. While it is obvious that there is a long history between several of the characters, the author was able to bring me up to date without long recitations of what has happened previously or providing too much of a spoiler that makes it difficult to go back and read the previous books.

Ruth Galloway is a forensic archaeologist located in Norfolk, England. She has acquired a certain amount of fame due to her work on a television show and a recently published book. She teaches at a local university and has her students out in the area for a “dig” and they discover not only an ancient burial spot but also a nearby construction area comes across a World War II body and plane buried in the area being cleared to build apartments.

Ruth is asked to step in and assist in identifying the man they have found and to help figure out how he got where he is. This is how the story starts and from there, the story becomes much more layered.

The story is very believable and while I didn’t figure out the whodunnit completely, there were clues that I felt could have led me to the answer. We get to see a good cross section of English society, from Clough’s criminal brother to any number of the landed Blackstock family who have lived in the area for many many years.

Ruth’s relationship with her daughter, Kate, is well portrayed – especially her concerns and fears for her daughter. I especially like the first day of school jitters that Ruth and Nelson (Kate’s father) suffer from much more than Kate does. In the story, Ruth has to start coming to terms with her feelings for various individuals and begins to question what it is she is really hoping for in life. The story revolves around familial ties and Ruth’s inner questions are a reflection of what is going on around her.

I really enjoyed the book and have already gone back and purchased three of the first books in this series to “catch” up to this one. I enjoyed the writer’s style, story, dialog, and characters. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good mystery.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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