Second volume of original Star Trek television series designs designs printed one side of the page

Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book – Where No Man Has Gone Before


Rating: 5 of 5

I am a long-time fan of the Star Trek franchise. My first experience, as with many others, was with the original television series. Though it didn’t last for very long, it has left an indelible mark on society. This coloring book really takes me back into the series with both the illustrations and the quotes.

There are 45 designs in the coloring book which are, this time, based on the second and third seasons of the show. The designs are done by a team of illustrators which is something that I have noticed is common in Dark Horse coloring books.
In this case, the illustration team is made up of: Juann Cabal, Will Conrad, Gabriel Guzman and Derlis Santacruz. Interestingly, only one of the artists from volume one (Gabriel Guzman) has illustrations in the book. As with volume one of this series, there are subtle differences in style between the various artists, but I think that the illustrations work well together.
The designs are detailed and a few have intricate and small spots to color. The designs are printed on one side of the page with the applicable quote on the opposite facing page.
This is what I found while coloring in this coloring book and testing the paper with my coloring mediums.
45 Designs based on episodes and scenes from Star Trek seasons two and three of the original series.
Designs printed on one side of page with quotes and Stardates (as applicable) printed on the back of the page
Paper is white, heavy weight, somewhat smooth, and non-perforated
Hybrid glue and sewn binding (lots of small stitches). These are near impossible to snip to remove pages. I suggest cutting pages out instead if you so choose.
Designs merge into the binding area. Cutting out pages will result in some loss of design.
I was able to get the book to open fairly flat with some effort by breaking/creasing the spine.
Alcohol-based markers bleed through the paper.
Water-based markers, India ink pens and gel pens do not bleed through but do leave shadows on the back of the page.
Colored pencils worked well with the paper. I could layer well for deeper pigment and blending easily using a blender stick. Hard lead pencils did not leave dents through the page.
I suggest the use of a blotter page with alcohol-based medium. I like card stock but a couple of pages of heavy weight paper will work as well.

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