A fitting end to the Scandalous Highlanders series

Some Like It Scot (Scandalous Highlanders)

By: Suzanne Enoch

Rating: 5 of 5

somelikeitscot“Some Like It Scot” is the final tale of the the siblings of the MacLawry clan. In the story, Munro “Bear” MacLawry finally meets his match is a feisty red-haired young woman who is on the run from her own clan.

Bear is the youngest of the family and his two brothers and sister have married and started their families. They think that he should, too, but he has other ideas. He likes the idea of love them and leave them until he meets Catriona MacColl. Cat is hiding out in an abandoned abbey on MacLawry land and is hiding her half-sister away from a horrible proposed marriage to a much older and reported sadistic man. Or that is what Cat is letting those in the know think. She has her own reasons for hiding out and Bear wants to find them out.

He starts off by helping the sisters, one of whom is clearly a damsel in distress. Cat is not that sister. She is pretty determined to be self-sufficient. Bear learns the hard way that she is not in need of his help in many different ways. It seems that his admiration for her skills is one of the first things that draws him to her, and from that point on, Bear’s carefree days are numbered.

I have enjoyed a number of the books in this series and was satisfied with the ending of the story line. I hope to read more books by this author in the future.

I received a digital ARC copy of this book from the publisher, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, via Netgalley.

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