Great ending for a fun children’s trilogy about robots and technology

Battle of the Bots (Robots Rule)

By: C. J. Richards

Rating: 5 of 5

51jOOFvflAL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Both my husband and I have read and enjoyed all three books in this trilogy. George Gearing is the young man who, along with his trusty robot friend, Jackbot, has to save the day once again. George is still trying hard to find a way to bring his parents back but he keeps running up against a brick wall. When a way is offered to enlist help, he is in a quandary as to whether or not it is the right or wise thing to do. All decisions have their consequences and George’s certainly does.

The set of stories is great for a boy or girl who is into technology. The characters are fun or scary without being over the top. Good triumphs over evil over and over in the story line. I’ve enjoyed the books, will read them to or pass them on to the grandchildren, and certainly will look for more books by this author in the future. I always pre-read any book that I may give to a grandchild or other child to be sure that they are appropriate for their age and that the subject matter is one that I want to pass forward.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via the publisher.

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