Daily Archives: April 5, 2017

Fun story but the kidnap scenario falls flat for me

My One True Highlander: A No Ordinary Hero Novel

By: Suzanne Enoch

Rating: 4 of 5

myonetruehighlanderThis is the second book in Suzanne Enoch’s No Ordinary Hero series. While I loved the first book, the second book started off with a kidnap scenario. Whenever I see that in a book, the book has a stiff hill to climb to have me enjoy it. While the story recovered itself somewhat, I found that the kidnap still rankled.

Lady Marjorie Forrester is the sister of the Duke of Lattimer. She decides on the spur of the moment to travel to Scotland to visit her brother and be present for his wedding. Because she is doing this off-the-cuff, she and her companion are traveling without guards. It is not much of a surprise that Marjorie is kidnapped but the individuals who do so and why they do so present a funny scenario.


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