Daily Archives: May 21, 2018

Fun start to a new ice cream shop-based cozy mystery series

I Scream, You Scream (A Mystery A-la-mode Book 1)

By: Wendy Lyn Watson

Rating: 5 of 5

This is a fun new series for me. It is the cozy mystery genre that I enjoy. In this series, Tallulah Jones is a fairly new divorcee. As part of her divorce settlement, she has purchased an older house in town (complete with many necessary rehab projects) as well as starting a new handmade ice scream shop.

I must admit, though I am severely lactose intolerant and ice scream a no-no, the flavors of ice referenced in the book had my mouth watering. I wish the author had included recipes as well.

The story starts as Tally is hired to do the desserts at her ex-husband’s annual all-holds barred company picnic. Tally is getting over the oddness of being hired by her ex but needs the money to keep house and home together.

Seeing her ex with his new squeeze Brittney (just about young enough to be her daughter) is not too unsettling, that is, until the next day, when Brittney turns up dead.


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Bible Study and Coloring book in one – designs printed one side of the page (text on opposite side)

Picturing Heaven: 40 Hope-Filled Devotions with Coloring Pages

By: Randy Alcorn, Illustrated by Lizzie Preston

Rating: 5 of 5

This is a lovely Scripture-based coloring book with Devotionals by Randy Alcorn and illustrations by Lizzie Preston. The subject of the book is Heaven. What will Heaven look like and be like according to the Scriptures? The Scriptures and devotionals are on the left side of the open pages and the design for coloring is on the right side. The Bible translations used in the book are listed in the front and are fairly extensive.

I found that most of the designs were representations of the study on the facing page. Perhaps all of them are and a few were too subtle for me to grasp. In any case, I enjoy Ms. Preston’s work and will enjoy coloring this book.

The revelation to me are the devotionals by Mr. Alcorn. I had not read his books but will certainly pick them up. He has a wonderful way of keeping right to the heart of the subject both quickly and eloquently. Each study looks at and discusses a single subject regarding Heaven. Some subjects include: Eternal Freedom from Sorrow, At Last, We’ll Have Time for Everything, Will We Reunite with Our Favorite Pets?, Our Greatest Joy Made Greater, No More Pain, Tears, or Death and much more. I plan to make each devotional a Bible Study lesson for myself. As there are 40 in the book, at the rate of one per week, the book will last close to a year.

The only one nit that I have with the book is the pre-printed flat gold tone on each of the designs. No matter what coloring medium I use, I will not be able to match the color or the texture of the printed color. I will probably use whatever medium I choose for the rest of the design and go over the pre-printed color to make it my own. However, it would have been much better to not have it to deal with.


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